
samedi 30 mai 2020

3eme mardi 2 juin

P 74-75 WB
Je parle de ce qui est interdit et obligatoire

4eme Cyber bullying LOGOS

Thanks to all of you who sent me nice logos.

Here is a selection of some I liked.

Have a nice long week end.

mardi 26 mai 2020

6eme mardi 26 mai

Voici les images montrant les habitudes des Britanniques

Pour le test de jeudi revoir p 76,77 WB et p 74 livre

vendredi 22 mai 2020

3eme corrigé p 66

6eme corrigés exercices

Voici les différents corrigés.

4eme mardi 26

Comprehension orale. ( p 104 livre)

Ecoutez le document intitulé Cyberbulllying  et résumez le en français.

C'est le track 118 , project 6 dans E for English

6eme pour lundi 25

Je m'auto-evalue, p 75 livre

Ecoute les deux documents et résume en français ce que tu as compris.

Listening 1

listening 2

mercredi 20 mai 2020

test 12 mai 4eme correction

Pour ceux qui ont joué le jeu et rendu le test  ( bravo à vous ! ), voici le corrigé.

Pour les autres vous pouvez encore faire les exercices et vérifier votre travail en auto correction.


Very popular
Nerds and geeks
Mechanics and farmers

2.   Clique 1 : they were very popular and people were jealous of them. They would practice cheerleading (dance, gymnastic).

Clique 2 : they are very intelligent. If someone needed  help to do his homework, they  would help him.

a) This is the girl I told you about last week.
b) I lived in a house which was near the school.
c) This is the boy I know whose the locker was destroyed.
d) There is a new shop in town which sells sport equipment.

a) My brother was teased by some of his friends.
b) Some teenagers are seen  as outcasts.
c) I was asked to leave the room.
d) My car was stolen.

a) Yesterday, the police found the serial killer.
b) Anti-bullying weeks are organised every year.
c) Robert Pattinson was beaten up in high school by bullies.

a) My mother  would tell me stories 10 years ago.
b) We have been told the French teacher was absent.
c) The book I read was very boring.
d) This is the film which won the competition.
e) This is the girl who bullies my brother.

mardi 19 mai 2020

6eme Recap lesson May 19th

Tuesday, May 19th

Crazy girl and Goodyboy

He always washes his hands.
She  often talks with her mouth full

He always stops when the traffic light is red.
She never pays attention / looks at the signs.

He always does his homework
She never does her homework.

Yes/no question
Does she sometimes set the table ?
No she doesn’t, she never sets the table.

Wh question
How often does he clear the table ?
He always clears the table.

How often do you brush your teeth ?
I always brush my teeth / I brush my teeth twice a day/ I brush my teeth three times a day.

lundi 18 mai 2020

4eme 25 mai

Final task 

p 96 livre

Choisissez l'une des taches finales :

1-Write a slam and record it ( à faire seul ou à deux )


2- Design a logo against cyber bullying ( dessin, collage, montage photo ... ) Il doit y avoir un peu de texte !

dimanche 17 mai 2020

3eme Corrigé évaluation connaissances


1.     It was so scary ! I hated it.
2.     It was so funny ! I loved it !
3.      I saw a romance, it was boring, there wasn’t  any  action, and the actors were boring too.

1. trailer

2. biopic

3. drama

 1. Christian Bale is an actor who has played in many biopics.

2. The biopic which I saw yesterday is Dallas Buyers Club.

3. Do you know the name of this film which is about Malcom X.

 1. Bird is a Biopic of John Coltrane which is directed by Clint Eastwood.

2. Johnny Depp is an actor who plays Sparrow in pirates of the Caribbean.

Malcom X was released in  1992. It is the biographical epic of the controversial Black Nationalist leader from his early life and career to his ministry as a member of the Nation of Islam. The movie was directed by Spike Lee, and it stars Denzel Washington and Angela Bassett.

Muhammed Ali’s birth name was Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. Born in 1942, he  experienced racial prejudice and discrimination while he was growing up. He began training as an amateur boxer when he was just 12 years old. In 1960, Cassius travelled to Rome to participate in the Olympics. He won a Gold Medal and decided to turn to professional boxing. In 1964, he became the heavyweight champion of the world. But while he was fighting on the ring, he was also fighting for the Civil Rights movement outside the ring. And in November 2005, he received the Medal of Freedom from the President George W. Bush

When he got out of prison, Nelson Mandela declared that he had walked a long walk to freedom. He declared that it had been a lonely road, and that it was not over yet. He declared that he knew that his country was not made to be a land of hatred. He declared that no one was born hating another person because of the color of his skin

1. It’s Malcom X who inspired Muhammad Ali.

2. Ali had to sit at the back of the bus because of segregation..

vendredi 15 mai 2020

4eme Comprehension orale mardi 19 mai

Ecoutez le document sonore


et compléter la fiche ci dessous

jeudi 14 mai 2020

6eme 18 mai

1- Si vous n'avez pas fait le travail du 11 mai, écoutez et classer les noms


2- Sur votre cahier faites 3 longues phrases en disant ce qu'ont les 3 filles.

 Ex : Izzy has roses

3- exercices 5-6-7 p 80.81 WB

mardi 12 mai 2020

trace écrite 6eme 12 mai

Tuesday, May 12th

Good habits- Questions

How often do you wash your hands ?  WH question
I often wash my hands.

How often do you do your homework ? 
I always do my homework 
I don’t have anything else to do.

How often does she tidy  her room ?
She never tidies her room.

Does he often set the table ?  Yes/No question
Yes , he does. / No , he doesn’t

Test 4eme Connaissances

Notez uniquement les réponses sur ton cahier et faites une photo en PDF ( pas JPEG ! ) ou mieux tapez les réponses sur un document word ou open office puis envoyez moi le tout par mail 
avant 18 h.

Traduis en anglais 

a- Il y a 10 ans ma mère me lisait des histoires.

b- On nous a dit que le professeur de français n'était pas la

c- Le livre que j'ai lu était très ennuyeux.

d- C'est le film qui a gagné la compétition.

e- C'est la fille qui harcèle mon frère.

lundi 11 mai 2020



1 Je jouais avec des poupées ( dolls) I would play with dolls. ( habitude dans le passé )

2 J’aime les films qui me font pleurer. I like the movies which make me cry

3 On lui a dit de venir demain matin. We told him to come tomorrow morning ( voix active )
He was told to come tomorrow morning (voix passive )

On m'a demandé de venir. I was asked to come.

4 Ce sont des choses qui ne peuvent pas être dites. These things can't be said./ These are things which can't be said.

5 C’est un homme qui est très intelligent. It's a man who is very intelligent/ smart/clever/ bright/ 

6 C’est un garçon que j’aime beaucoup. It's a boy /He is a boy that / ø I really like

7 L'exercice est en train d'être  fait. The exercise is being done.

8 Votre paquet sera livré demain. Your parcel will be delivered tomorrow.

TEST 3eme


Réponses  uniquement de la partie connaissances sur votre cahier et photo en PDF ou mieux réponses tapées sous word ou open office

II- Compréhension orale :

résumé en français


3eme vendredi 15


1-2 p 66 livre

 + At home p 66 livre

Bonus   3 p 66 ( interdiction de recopier une définition toute faite ou d'utiliser un traducteur pour traduire une définition française ! )

dimanche 10 mai 2020

correction 4eme exercice blog


1-The bed clothes are never changed ( present)
2-The washing up is being done  ( present be+ing)
3-Two thousand people were killed ( preterit)
4-Two houses have been destroyed ( present perfect)
5-The address had been lost ( plus que parfait)
6-The house was broken into ( preterit) The windows were smashed  The police was called The thieves ( voleurs) were arrested
7- The washing up must be done ( must)
8- The flowers must  be watered
9- He was given a warm blanket (couverture ) (preterit)
10 - He was offered a nice cup of tea 9 preterit )
11- He has been asked to clean the room.
12 -This can’t be forgotten.

Tell her that the car must be repaired before I’m back.
I knew that the car had been stolen the week before.
Don’t worry. He will be taken care of.
Look ! A new school is being built.
I’m not sure it will be done tomorrow.
The child is looked after by the grand-parents.


This is the guy who presents a funny radio program.
It is him that / ø I met at Lucy’s.
The radio game Lucy, Peter and Henry played was amusing.
Freddy, whose Concert was broadcasted, played so well.
Don’t move the radio whose aerial is broken.

This boy whose sister won the radio game.
Do you know this man whose daughter was an Olympic champion ?
I’ve got a TV set whose screen is very small.
I know a girl who presents a TV program on Friday evenings.
Do you watch this program which is so good ?

4eme corriges exercices et wb

Pour vous aider à réviser

vendredi 8 mai 2020

3eme corrigés

Pour vous aider à réviser pour le test de lundi voici les corrigés des différents exercices et activités.